Writing Workshop New Day, Same Time..tonight!
Sliding scale (£5-10 or pay what you can). Please email editedinburgh@gmail.com with questions or to reserve a place
See you tonight!
a little on themes for this evening...
While the term synesthesia literally refers to a medical condition wherein one or many of the sensory modalities become joint to one another, in literature it refers to the depiction of a strong connection, link or bond between the different senses. Characters in literature are sometimes described to be experiencing synesthesia. Synesthesia is the conflation of the senses. Understanding how this type of figurative language works can help you with your writing.
-Arthur Rimbaud
A Black, E white, I red, U green, O blue : vowels, I shall tell, one day, of your mysterious origins: A, black velvety jacket of brilliant flies Which buzz around cruel smells, Lances of proud glaciers, white kings, shivers of cow-parsley; I, purples, spat blood, smile of beautiful lips In anger or in the raptures of penitence; The peace of pastures dotted with animals, the peace of the furrows Which alchemy prints on broad studious foreheads; Silences crossed by Worlds and by Angels: O the Omega, the violet ray of Her Eyes! Gulfs of shadow; E, whiteness of vapours and of tents, U, waves, divine shudderings of viridian seas, O, sublime Trumpet full of strange piercing sounds, |
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