write now sleep later writing workshop

friends & writers 

jon us for the Write Now Sleep Later writing workshop Monday January 27th from 6-8pm at the Forest Center + (38 Castle Terrace)

Keeping on with the idea of developing writing for submission to anthologies and literary competitions, we will be generating new writing that requires economy of language; that is, can we write a short story in 75 words? Writing such a short story that still includes all the basic & essential elements of a story (beginning, middle, and end, as well as character and conflict) may sound difficult, but not only is it a terrific exercise in being concise in your description, it is also a useful exercise to incorporate into your regular writing practice. A short piece provides enough of a challenge without taking too much of our time, and therefore is just the thing to inspire us to write, which is what it is all about really...write here, write now!

Please email Kate at editedinburgh@gmail.com with any questions. See you Monday!


"Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit, and tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief"  - Hamlet, Shakespeare


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