Weekly Writing Workshops at the Forest Center!

Weekly Writing Workshops WEDNESDAYS 6-8pm at the FOREST CENTER, 28 CASTLE TERRACE

These workshops are for people at all stages of writing. They are an excellent forum in which to develop your own short creative fiction, nonfiction piece, play, poetry book, novel, children's book, or as a place to try out new ideas & flex your writing muscles again . The emphasis is on developing your skills through practice, so you’ll spend more time writing than reading.We will discuss ways to focus, how we can persist as writers, how we deal with the frustration of a problem you can't solve, a line you can't write, a page you can't fill.  We will examine the stakes of a piece of writing, and treat the act of creation as alive, and important, and do it with the support of other writers. 

£5-10 (sliding scale). Please email editedinburgh@gmail.com for more information or to reserve a space


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